Youth committing murders:
          In Nizamabad district of A.P., a son killed her old-aged parents for not giving money to join in MLM and its promotional meetings.
          Hundreds of such incidents are taking place in various parts of the country.
      House wives  murdered:
          In Vijayawada of A.P., one auto rickshaw driver brutally murdered the wife of a professor when the lady invited the accused to her house to explain about MLM so as to enrole him in MLM but the crook took advantage of her solitulde and brutally murdered her and looted her of her  house.
      Subordinates committed suicides:
          In Kurnool district of A.P., one Village Secretary was forced to join in MLM under the pressure from his superior officers and forced to continue in MLM, as such he lost all his amounts, made huge debts and ultimately unable to repay debts committed suicide.
      Families destroyed :
          In Vijayawada of A.P., a house wife joined in an  MLM Scheme, subsequently she was forced to get exparte divorce from her husband since her family became obstacle to MLM business.
          In Hyderabad of A.P., a wife who had a love marriage was forced to file dowry harassment case against her husband since he did not allow her to participate in MLM meeting and activities.
          In Hyderabad of A.P., a family of Scientist ruined because of MLM.
       Patients targeted:
          Doctors, who are held in high esteem in our society on joining the MLMs, are unethically exploiting the patients to their financial advantage.
      Senior level Govt. officers, Bureaucrats, Ministers and small time politicians are enrolled into these schemes to abuse their official position to their financial advantage at the expense of the underdogs.